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The May Mice Mingle

My thesis children's book project, made traditionally with felt, embroidery, and other tactile materials.
The book follows the story of a dormouse named Dora, who wakes up from hibernation excited for the big May Mice Mingle, but encounters a major wardrobe issue!

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The Frogs and The Well

An illustrated version of the Aesop's fable, done as a mentorship project with illustrator Lynn Scurfield.

Dev & Puck go to the Market!

Select pages from my thesis children's book project about a frog and a squirrel who go a little overboard at the farmers market.

Assyrian Food Zine

An introductory zine featuring Assyrian foods and their ingredients.

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Under New Management

Environment paintings of an abandoned mall that's been taken over by aquatic animals.


I'm Narita and I'm an Assyrian illustrator in the GTA who loves hue, saturation, AND brightness. I'm inspired by toys, simple playful aesthetics, and impressionist paintings. Although I do lots of digital work, I also love to get crafty and tactile with traditional media like felt, crayons, and found objects.
Outside of art, I'm a big fan of furbies, rodents, and truthful t-shirts.
I am also a gradute of Sheridan College's Bachelor of Illustration program who can be contacted at!

Canadian Community Initiative Award
Sybil Goldstein Painting Award
Sheridan College Academic Award: Life Drawing